Longing and Dreams

Dear seeker, I ask myself…

How do you follow your dreams and longing with joy? How do you let go of yourself and allow yourself to float in the realm of dreams where possibilities grow. Know this, my friend, that within your soul lies the key to achieving your desired goals. In your innermost being burns a strong fire, a passion longing to soar.

First, look inward and listen to your heart, for it knows which dreams make you unique. What ignites your life force, what fuels your flame? Explore your place and purpose in life. To follow your longing and your dreams, you must trust your voice, amidst life's cacophony, it is your unadulterated choice. Embrace the uncertainties, the unknown path, for it is through challenges that we grow and flourish.

Fear not failure or the judgments of others, let your dreams be your guiding star, your inner compass and true longing. Hold onto your vision and creativity with unwavering strength, even when obstacles loom and obscure the light. Seek inspiration from those who came before, those who dared, dreamed, and explored. Learn from their wisdom, let it be your guide, but carve your own path, let your dreams grow into manifestation.

Letting go of yourself, allowing yourself to float, is surrendering to the ebb and flow of the journey. Embrace the process, the highlights, and the setbacks, for dreams require patience as life unfolds. Nurture your dreams with dedication and care, take small steps forward, breathe in the air. Every day an invitation to make progress, with perseverance your dreams will be realized.

Believe in yourself, have faith in your inner power, for dreams are woven by the light of passion. Endure through challenges, let courage be your guide, and the universe will conspire, right by your side.

So, my dear dreamer, follow your longing with grace, let the desires of your heart shine. Letting go of yourself, allowing yourself to float, is the path to a life where dreams grow to ultimately be embraced by everyday life. Embrace the journey, the lessons it brings, and let your longing flourish from within your heart. For in the pursuit of dreams, you find your happiness, a fulfilled life, adorned with the sweet kiss of dreams.

Follow your longing and dreams with respect and care for both yourself and others.


Twirling Shadows


Just Inc